This is not Star Wars by any means, and it involves a lot of psychology and strategy. The plot is almost like a chess game, thinking two or more steps ahead of the game. The Foundation Trilogy was written in the early 1950s, and some of the standards of that time, i.
e. the position of woman have greatly progressed since that time, and the age of atomics, greatly featured was just beginning, but this remains a science fiction classic. This is the first book. It steps when a young Mathematician named Gaal Dornick travels to Trantor, capital planet of the galactic empire encompassing the entire Milky Way galaxy, with Trantor being on giant city covering the whole planet.
It is there he meet Hari Seldon, a dying man who, though his equations and psychoanalysis of humanity, predicts the fall of the galactic empire, while nobody else has a clue. Seldon introduces the concept of psychohistory, the prediction of the reaction of the masses of humans when confronted with a crisis.
The greater the mass, the more accurate the prediction. This concept, incidentally, is being examined today, in real life. With this downfall will come 30 thousand years of barbarism throughout the galaxy.
It is too late to stop the fall, but, with the right strategy, the period of barbarism can be reducedto 1,000 years. With that, Hari Seldon sets up two foundations at opposite ends of the galaxy to help control this period and help set up a new empire.
In this book, Seldon gathers up all the best minds of the empire, covering all academic disciplines, and settles them on the planet Terminus, an outlying planet on the periphery of the galaxy, with little or no natural resources.
An Enclopedia Galactica, is to be written an encyclopedia that will literally consists of all human knowledge in existence, a massive project. This is so that when the new empire is form, humankind will be able to refer to it, reclaim knowledge that all of humanity will lose during the barbaric times.
Every so often, an image of Hari Seldon will appear in a vault advising them during a crisis. Spoiler alert! The encyclopedia turns out to be a hoax. Dr. Seldon gathered the best minds on Terminus for a higher, more strategic reason.
The Foundation will form that new empire by taking the new kingdoms one by one, and uniting them. Foundation will have a power that no one else has and everyone fears, and they will have what everyone else needs and will do anything to get it.
In this case, since Terminus has no resources, they will have to import raw materials and miniaturize everything. This istheir secret to power. Knowledge is power, is a great application. In this case, they miniaturize atomic power, having an atomic reactor literally fit into a walnut, and they use this talent, along with a new religion, to play kingdoms against one another until the Foundation absorbs them.
The book is divided into five parts, and each part is in its own time period where a crisis erupts, Seldon comes in the form of a hologram to advise them, and then Foundation realizes what kind of power that have at the moment.
Threatening kingdoms come in to attempt to conquer the planet, but the Foundationers think ahead, and instead, defeats them, but with little or no violence. They use what is needed at the time; i. e.
a religion is formed in one era, flourishes, use it to control other planets, but then declines, as the Foundationers see fit. Other philosophies and technologies then come in to take its place in usefulness.
The author, Isaac Asimov, stated that this series is based on The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, and here, you see many similarities, but also differences. Ancient Rome was known as Terminus, and the religion established to control the masses was none other than the Roman Catholic Church.
There was no Foundation or the gathering of intellectuals to preserve knowledge, and they could not set up a new empire. Many of these signs we see in the novel do apply to our society today, and in a way, the United States is declining, but it could change course and go on the up and up again, but with a lot of effort, money, and perhaps, a gathering of the best minds to see how our present day crises can be handled.
The book ends with the defeat of another threat that thought could overpower foundation, but the next book, Foundation and Empire, will have a new surprise. Things can’t go smoothly forever!.